Monday Maternity Memoir - Labor and Delivery


Hey y'all!

As many of you already know, I am officially a mother of two beautiful princesses!!! With that being said, this will be my last maternity memoir, since I am no longer pregnant :(

Before I go on, I wanted to say that I hope that my maternity updates helped all my mommies and moms-to-be out there. I appreciate you guys tuning in and following up on my pregnancy. The support means so much to me.

So all weekend I had been having contractions. They would last about an hour or so then just stop overall. Being that it was a long weekend, with Memorial Day, we had family over at the house all weekend. Everyone hoped I would go into labor so they can all meet the new princess. But it was not until Monday night as I was getting Amelia ready for bed that the contractions started to feel stronger and they were much more consistent. I decided to time them to see how far apart they are so I can somewhat know if this may be the beginning of labor or not. They started roughly around 7pm at about 15 mins apart. By 9pm, they were about 10 minutes apart and felt stronger than the previous ones. I sat through the contractions alone without telling my husband what was going on. He would have panicked and in returned would have worried me so I did not tell him until I felt it was time to call the doctor. Around 10pm I called my doctor and explained what was happening. He asked me to go to labor and delivery to get checked out.

I went in and was still at only 3cm dilated. I was not admitted but was kept in observation to see if my cervix made changes. The pains grew stronger and eventually became unbearable. I was having all back labor and was given nothing for pain since I technically was not admitted. It was the longest couple hours of my life, as i sat there and tolerated those harsh contractions coming closer together and not allowing me the chance to even catch my breath. I was given IV to try and help alleviate the pains but nothing worked. I begged for an epidural! Since I still had not been officially admitted, giving me the epidural would have meant I was being voluntarily induced and the doctor did not want that. At 2am they check my cervix and finally had gone to 4cm. They then officially admitted me and we began to prep for labor with the first thing being that epidural! From 10pm to 2:30am I was tolerating excruciating contractions. Once that was in place I was able to get some rest.

The doctor came in at about 6am to check the cervix again. By that time I was already at 9cm dilated and 100% effaced (thinning of the cervix).  We now just had to wait for that 1 last cm to start to push. Within the hour I reached 10cm so the doctor broke my water and said we will start to push soon. A little after 8am, we began to push. I was pushing for almost two hours and although I did manage to get the top of her head out, I needed a little assistance. The doctor pulled as I pushed and finally she was taken out and place on my chest for skin to skin. I just held her and teared. I was in complete awe.

Although I had been through the experience before, this one was different since it was my first vaginal birth. My hubby cut the umbilical cord and we both just teared up. It was a magical moment. One that I will NEVER forget.

I welcomed to the world Aylah (pronounced A-La) Marie Rosario, on Tuesday May 31, 2016 at 10:57am weighing in at 6lbs 7oz. and measuring 19 inches long. I will never forget this important day for me and my family. We are beyond ecstatic with our new little bundle of joy. Amelia is a proud big sister and Ariel and I are the proud parents of two princesses.


Hope you enjoyed reading about my experiences with pregnancy, labor and delivery. Please share your experiences with me as well! I would love to hear them. Feel free to comment below or message me via my social media platforms. Don't forget to subscribe. Can't wait to hear from you all!